Call for abstracts: Neuronet to host a session for ECRs at #30AEC

We are delighted to announce that the 2020 Neuronet public event will take place during the 30th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe, which will be held online between 20-22 October 2020.  This event will feature a Neuronet session for early-career researchers (ECRs), to showcase the breadth and depth of IMI-funded neurodegeneration research as well as the diversity of project collaborators involved.

All ECRs (defined as graduate students or researchers within 10 years of completing their graduate studies) working on the 18 projects in the IMI neurodegeneration portfolio are invited to submit abstracts for quick oral or poster presentation via the online abstract submission portal.  The deadline for abstract submission is 15 September, and complimentary conference registration will be offered to all presenters; for more details please contact

Keep your eyes peeled for further information on the 2020 Neuronet public event via our events page!