Neuronet convenes 6th meeting of its Scientific Coordination Board

On 22 March, the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funded Neuronet Coordination and Support Action convened the sixth Scientific Coordination Board meeting (SCB). The Board plays a central role in determining how Neuronet should direct its efforts. As leaders of IMI neurodegeneration projects, the SCB members bring wide-ranging scientific, clinical, R&D and computational expertise to the table, helping us to identify key challenges and priorities to address.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the AETIONOMY, ADAPTED, AMYPAD, EPAD, EMIF, IDEA-FAST, IMPRIND, Mobilise-D, MOPEAD, PHAGO, PD-MitoQUANT, PRISM2 and RADAR-AD projects along with members of the Neuronet consortium. Carlos Diaz, Coordinator of Neuronet, kicked off the SCB meeting by providing some general updates on Neuronet activities since the previous SCB meeting, which was held on 1 October 2020.

These activities include new updates and the public launch of the Knowledge Base & Asset Map, as well as our landscaping exercise of initiatives and gap analysis, collaborations between EPAD and PHAGO as well as IDEA-FAST and MOBILISE-D, among others.

Next, Pieter Jelle Visser introduced the European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) consortium which is planned to be launched in the course of 2021.

This was followed by an introduction to a survey that Neuronet developed to better understand the impact of IMI projects on their company. The survey has already been piloted at Janssen and Sanofi.

As a last point on the agenda, the project leads Lennert Steukers (Janssen) and Carlos Diaz (SYNAPSE) discussed the evaluation and sustainability of Neuronet with the SCB. This focussed on the asset-based view Neuronet aims to shine on the outputs of the programme, rather than only highlighting the projects and their ongoing work. This topic was followed by a short presentation in preparation for a follow-up survey for formal evaluation of Neuronet’s work.

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