On 30 and 31 October, ROADMAPs journey during the initial Phase 1 of the project was featured at Alzheimer Europe’s 28th Conference “Making dementia a European priority” in Barcelona, Spain. This included a plenary talk by Project Coordinator, John Gallacher, as well as four parallel sessions including participants from numerous Consortium partners, representatives from the European Working Group of People With Dementia, as well as members from ROADMAPs Expert Advisory Group.
Prof. John Gallacher, Project Co-ordinator of the Innovative Medicines Initiative's ROADMAP project (Real world Outcomes across the Alzheimer’s Disease spectrum for better care: Multi-modal data Access Platform), closed the engaging first plenary session. He shared the work done by the project so far and some of the challenges that were encountered.
The ROADMAP project has demonstrated the ability of academic, industry, patients and regulatory partners to work together on a highly complex, widely distributed, and tightly time-constrained project; established a broad-based and evidence-based consensus on the priority outcomes for dementia treatment pathways; developed a comprehensive database of available European real-world data; demonstrated that the current evidence base is inadequate for disease progression modelling and detailed health economic evaluation; and has made a strong case for the collection of new data that is intentionally designed to enable early detection and disease progression modelling.
Plenary speech
Real-World Data Supporting Regulatory And Health Technology Assessments: The Findings Of The ROADMAP Project
PL1.5 Gallacher John – Real-world Outcomes across the AD spectrum for better care: Multimodal data Access Platform
Session 1
Disease Outcomes: What Matters To Whom As Alzheimer's Disease Progresses?
Relevant Outcomes In Disease Progression
The first session looked at relevant outcomes from the perspective of different stakeholders as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia progress. It also looked at how these indications were collected using a variety of methods such as literature reviews, Public Patient Involvement, pan-European surveys as well as stakeholder interviews.
P4.4 DUSSEY Tania – Policy and industry reflections on ROADMAPs outcome definition work
Session 2
Ethics Challenges For Alzheimer's Disease
Research And Practice Using Real-World Data
ROADMAP mapped the critical ethical, legal and social issues that arise from creating a real-world evidence platform that re-uses existing health data pooled from different sources, but it also addressed ethical concerns and topics that arose during the course of the project itself. These have yielded interesting outputs and the second session was convened by the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) team who provided insights on the ethical challenges in AD research and practice when using real-world data.
P12.2 ANGEHRN Zuzanna – Ethical and social implications of using predictive modelling for Alzheimer´s disease prevention (Not public)
Session 3
Regulatory And HTA Perspectives On Real-WOrld Data In Alzheimer's Disease:
Future Of Prospective Collection And Further Research
Another focal point involved the third session with perspectives on real-world data in AD from regulatory and Health Technology Assessment bodies, including the prospective future data collection and further research in this area. These perspectives have been collected via ROADMAPs Expert Advisory Group, which has sought to find the weak spots as well as opportunities for the future in ROADMAPs plans.
The speaker of this presentation has not given permission for this video to be made public.
P20.3 Catherine Reed: Learnings from ROADMAP – what is next? (not public)
Session 4
Real-World Data Availability Across Europe:
What Data Are Present, Missing And Heterogeneity Of Data Collected
Visualising the available AD-related data in different types of European data sources and identifying gaps has proven to be a powerful tool for the design, planning and validation of the models and strategies used to guide future recommendations to enhance AD research. Therefore, the fourth session was dedicated to focus on the presentation of steps taken during the development of ROADMAPs 3D data and outcome assessment, the “Data Cube”.
The speaker of this presentation has not given permission for this video to be made public.
The conference brochure including abstracts of the presentations can be found here. ROADMAPs Data Cube is now public: https://www.imi-neuronet.org/news-roadmap-launches-data-cube/