PHAGO project holds 4th General Assembly Meeting in Erl Wood

With the PHAGO (Inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease: modulating microglia function – focussing on TREM2 and CD33) project fully operational and the midterm goals successfully reached, the project held its 4th General Assembly Meeting to review results and further define its future project strategy.

This meeting took place at Eli Lilly offices in Erl Wood (United Kingdom), from 28 – 30 October 2019. The first day kicked-off with a warm welcome from project partner David Collier, who is located at Eli Lilly UK. After that, Project Coordinator, Harald Neumann, and Project Lead, Andreas Ebneth, welcomed all participants. This was followed by updates from the Project Management Work Package who reported about upcoming reporting deadlines, ongoing issues and upcoming dissemination activities.

IMI-officer, Dr. Kalliopi Christoforidi dialled in remotely and reported about “IMI Future Opportunities”. The first meeting day ended with a very inspiring Keynote Lecture by Dr. Augustin Ruiz from Fundació ACE, Project Coordinator of the IMI-funded ADAPTED project. A lively discussion on how bioinformatics can help to better understand Alzheimer’s disease followed the presentation.

The next two days were all about science. All Work Packages had time to report about their current status and recent results. Furthermore, they also discussed challenges and how they overcame them. Quite a lot of young scientists took the chance to report on the research they are pursuing as part of a dedicated poster session.

The second meeting day ended with a second Keynote Lecture by Dr. Saskia Sanderson from University College London, who gave a very interesting talk on “Psychology applied to genomics – understanding the utility of personal genomic information for physical and mental health”.

On the last day, the consortium continued the scientific reports followed by very good feedback from PHAGO’s Scientific Advisors. Concluding about the great progress so far, the Project Coordinator and the Project Lead wrapped up the meeting.