European Medical Information Framework reports on project success

The European Medical Information Framework (EMIF) project was a public-private consortium with 57 partners and ran for 5,5 years. It ended in June 2018. During this time span, EMIF has successfully improved access to human health data via providing tools and workflows to discover, assess, access and (re)use human health data.

The accomplishments made through EMIF—especially in the areas of dementia, metabolic disorders, and data harmonization — have produced a proven model for collaboration and data management in medical research.

In doing so, “EMIF is allowing research to happen at a speed and scale that was previously not possible,” says Bart Vannieuwenhuyse, Co-Coordinator of the overall EMIF project and Senior Director at Janssen Clinical Innovation – Patient Data for Research (JCI-PDR).

EMIF produced a brochure including a high-level overview of the project and why it was needed. The brochure also gives insights into the European Health Data Ecosystem and emphasizes the main project achievements. Further, it introduces the challenges met and lessons learned and concludes with remarks on the future of the Health Data Ecosystem.

You can download the brochure here: