The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the world’s largest public and private partnership in the life sciences, launched the two final calls of its second Joint Undertaking on June 23.
The IMI will contribute over €47M in funding to Call 23, matched by funding from EFPIA companies. This Call is broken down into 6 topics, covering research areas such as antimicrobial resistance, rare disease diagnosis and cancer.
Of particular relevance to Neuronet is Topic 3 of Call 23: “a platform for accelerating biomarker discovery and validation to support therapeutics development for neurodegenerative diseases”. The goal of this Topic is to support the secure and ethical sharing of, and access to clinical data and samples from participants in neurodegenerative disease studies, in particular those living with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. 8 EFPIA companies will participate in Topic 3, including UCB, Janssen, Gates Ventures and Sanofi among others. The deadline for stage 1 and stage 2 submission are 29 September 2020 and 17 March 2021, respectively.
Unlike Call 23, which is classed as a Research & Innovation Action (RIA), Call 22 is a restricted call aimed at maximising the impact of current and past research consortia, by supporting further research activities that will build on their achievements. Among the consortia which are eligible to apply for funding under Call 22 are three initiatives supported by Neuronet: RADAR-CNS, MOPEAD and PRISM.
The full Call texts can be downloaded here: