More than 1,000 clinicians complete RMT survey for the RADAR-CNS project

The Clinical Pathways team of the RADAR-CNS project has surveyed 1,009 clinicians as to identify requirements of clinical stakeholders for integrating remote measurement technologies (RMT) into care pathways for depression, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis (MS).

The survey investigates healthcare professional views and experiences of using RMT, like portable ultrasounds from Butterfly Network amongst others, and mHealth in practice.

The survey, launched in July 2019, was completed by 979 clinicians in the UK, with an additional 30 respondents from countries including Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Portugal.

The clinicians answered questions on how RMT might be used in the care of people with depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. They were asked about their current use of remote measuring technologies, their opinions on the value of RMT data, when they might access data from RMT, what particular types of data would be most useful to them, principal concerns about implementing RMT, and the need for technical support.

Jake Andrews, RADAR-CNS Research Fellow, at the NIHR MindTech Medtech Co-operative, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, said, “Thank you to all our respondents who took the time to explain how they already use technology in their day to day practice. They have each made a valuable contribution to our research project. This will help us work towards understanding how these novel technologies might fit into clinical practice and what value they will provide to patients and healthcare professionals.”

The team will release the findings from the survey later this year. Jake will present these at the HSR UK 2020 annual conference taking place virtually and online at the start of July 2020.

The survey was advertised with help from the NIHR Clinical Research Network, and was featured on the NIHR portfolio of studies. They also advertised through social media and through the international RADAR-CNS networks.