EFPIA publishes a guest blog on IMI impact: collaboration is key to dementia challenge

On November 3rd, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) published a blog on its website on the impact of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Frank-Christophe Lintz (Associate Director Crossfunctional Projects for AbbVie) and Johaness Streffer (neurologist and Psychiatrist, currently VP, Head of Translational Medicine Neuroscience at UCB biopharma) wrote together this guest blog to emphazise that collaboration is key to advance the dementia challenge.

“By developing new tools, fostering culture change, and building a robust ecosystem of researchers and infrastructure in Europe, IMI initiatives are a catalyst for advancing scientific knowledge and solutions. Since 2008,  €435 million has been invested in 21 projects that positively impact dementia research.

They both underlined several initiatives where the IMI allows data mining by third parties, helping to widen its impact and fuel advances in Europe and beyond. This blog showcases the IMI projects working on dementia including AETIONOMY, EMIF, IMPRIND, EPAD, MOPEAD, IDEA-FAST and ROADMAP.

You can read the guest blog on the EFPIA website: https://www.efpia.eu/news-events/the-efpia-view/blog-articles/imi-impact-collaboration-is-key-to-dementia-challenge/