On 22-23 May (Madrid, Spain), the ADAPTED project held it’s 6th Consortium Meeting at the historic Instituto Cajal.
This was an inspiring setting for ADAPTED’s penultimate meeting where they laid down plans to harvest the results of their collaborative research which is now in its final year.
After a warm welcome, the meeting got underway with poster presentations from many of ADAPTED’s researchers. The consortium were able to discuss how to best coordinate their efforts to produce meaningful results and publications by the end of the project to give back to scientific research community, ensuring their work will benefit Alzheimer’s research and ultimately patients, for years to come. Already published articles are available here, you can also follow the project’s ResearchGate account to be among the first to hear about their new papers.
On the second day of the meeting the ADAPTED cell research group and clinical research group defined work plans for the final year of the project. The meeting concluded with some closing remarks from Project Coordinator Agustín Ruiz and Project Leader Margot Bakker who thanked the group for their enthusiasm and commitment to the ADAPTED project.